I really like having a blog. I enjoy looking back and seeing what we were up to in past years. However, I can't say that I really like writing the blog. I feel like it is one more thing I should be doing. Hence, I am always behind. So, here's the latest "catch-up" post.
First, I did not get the job. I didn't even get a second interview. Although expected, I am still pretty disappointed.
Thanksgiving was great. This was the first year in many that it was just the six of us. At first, we felt kind of sad that no friends or family were able to join us, then we quickly got on board with the idea of a quiet holiday. We watched the parade, lounged in our pajamas, and ate a very early "dinner" at 12:45pm (so we could let Luke nap close to schedule). It was very low-key. Thomas and I cooked together and made fewer things this year, but still included everyone's favorites. Jack was thrilled when he got to eat the turkey leg. Since it was like 2 weeks ago, I actually don't remember anything significant about the day. We did get one of the neighborhood teenagers to come over and watch the kids that night so we could do some Black Friday shopping. I stood in the longest line ever (okay, Thomas stood in line while I continued to shop) at Kohls. It went from the registers all the way to the back of the store. Meaning the line was pretty much the length of the store! But, it went fairly quick and there were a few things we (okay, again--I) wanted. We also went to Belk, where the lines were short and Target. At Target, the line was so long, we walked in and just walked back out. We didn't need anything there and were just enjoying the freedom of being out. It was a few hours after the stores opened, so we weren't expecting the crowds. But, I was actually glad to see people out shopping. I think it is a good sign for the economy and Thomas and I had a good time.

On Black Friday, we maintained our tradition of going to St Mary's City Hearth and Home. It was beautiful weather and we really enjoyed being outside and learning more about how the early settlers prepared food.
We were hit with a lot of sickness last week. Kara woke up on Thursday (December 4th) with a terrible headache. I gave her Motrin and sent her to school. She still wasn't feeling well that afternoon and actually fell asleep on the couch. The next morning, she didn't want to get out of bed. I let her stay home, but didn't think anything was too wrong. Thomas and I went on our date night as planned (Wine & Design) and the babysitter said she seemed a little run down, but okay. Saturday, she had a tiny rash on her chin and above her lip. We figured it was dry skin related, but she also had another bad headache and a low fever.
Then, Anna started complaining her throat hurt when she swallowed. We kind of figured she was angling to stay home. Anna always feels left out when someone gets to stay home sick and wants to join them for a day of unlimited t.v. time. So, we kind of took her complaints with a grain of salt. By Saturday night, Kara's rash had spread all over her face and we made the decision to take her to Urgent Care in the morning. We got there 10 minutes before opening and there were already 5 people in line in front of us. One hour and 20 minutes later, we got her diagnosis of Impetigo.

Monday morning, Anna was still complaining her throat hurt, although, she had no trouble yelling at Kara (who felt much better, but needed to be on antibiotics 48 hours before she could return to school). I decided to let Anna stay home, just in case her complaints were legitimate (I told her she would have to take a nap and she accepted my terms). That afternoon Thomas was making the girls hot chocolate. He was talking to Anna and had his back to the stove. The next thing I knew, he was yelling that he was on fire. I turned and saw that his shirt was indeed on fire, literally there were flames on his back! I screamed, Anna screamed, Thomas asked me to help him, I grabbed a pot holder and was ready to beat the fire, when Thomas was able to get it out himself. He burned a hole in shirt, burned his finger (putting it out) and got two big burns on his back. I had to scrape off the shirt pieces that had burned into his skin. It was very scary and as bad as it was, I know it could have been so much worse.

Around 4pm, Anna was really complaining, so I finally looked into her throat. Obviously, I'm not a doctor, but it looked awful! It was the reddest, most swollen, pus-filled throat I have ever seen. We immediately got in the car and headed back to Urgent Care. They were down a doctor and even though they didn't close until 8, they locked their door at 5:30 (minutes after we arrived) because the wait was 2.5-3 hours. Her diagnosis was strep throat. The doctor said her throat looked awful and even without the positive test, she would have known it was strep. I felt bad that I hadn't taken her seriously when she first began complaining. In my defense, she didn't have a fever and other than saying it hurt when she swallowed, she was acting normal. It was after 8 before we got home and Anna enjoyed another dinner of ice cream.
That night, we noticed some spots on Luke that looked like Kara's impetigo. Tuesday morning, I called his doctor and told her office that I suspected he had impetigo and possibly strep (he wasn't eating and seemed unhappy). They had no available appointments and suggested I take him to Urgent Care. So, off we went for my 3rd visit in 3 days. This time the wait was about 2 hours (start to finish) and his diagnosis was both strep and impetigo. I suspect Kara may have had strep as well, they didn't bother to swab her since they said the antibiotics for the impetigo would take care of both regardless.
Jack and I have managed to avoid any illness or mishap. I think Jack's immune system marches to the beat of it's own drum. He had a stomach bug for several days in November that one else caught and now he managed to not get sick when all the other kids were. We got home notes from all of their classes last week reporting that they had been exposed to strep, so I know it is running rampant at school. I am really hoping to avoid any more trips to Urgent Care in the near future. When I was there with Anna some people came in talking about how their other family members had been in earlier to be treated for scabies and they needed to get the same treatment. The poor kids were scratching like mad and I suddenly became convinced that their family members must have sat in the same chairs Anna and I were in. When we got home, I made Anna put everything she'd been wearing (including her heavy coat) into the washing machine. I did the same and we both took hot showers. I am convinced we get sicker every time we visit the doctor and Urgent Care is even worse. Hopefully, we've gotten all the Winter's illnesses/injuries out of the way for the 2015/16 season.
As mentioned, for our anniversary we went to Wine and Design. First, we went to Panera for dinner (I had a free You Pick Two waiting for me). Our design was a Starry Night Christmas, but Thomas and I decided to leave the stars out. I think we are done with Wine and Design for awhile. It was fun, and the paintings came out nice, but we didn't really have fun. It was actually kind of frustrating. Our other outing was seeing Hunger Games. In a pretty dark series, I found it the the darkest of the books, and the movie was true to the story. But, I was glad to see it. We actually saw all four movies in the theater, which is unusual for us, so it it was nice to bring the Hunger Games to a close.