So, since Jack and Anna's birthday...
Well, here's the big one--Jack broke his wrist! Thomas was outside grilling and I had just gotten home from work when Jack came downstairs with tears in his eyes to tell me he had fallen on his wrist and it really hurt. It didn't look too bad, so I told him to just let me know if it got any worse. A bit later, I gave him an ice pack when he said it was still hurting. The next morning, it was definitely swollen and he couldn't make a fist or rotate it. Dr. Google said that it can be hard to tell the difference between a sprain and a break and if after 48 hours there has been no improvement, to bring the patient in. Since it had only been about 14 hours, I gave him another ice pack and some ibuprofen. We had an old bandage lying around, so I also wrapped it up, which he said really helped. I wrote a note asking him to be excused from PE and sent him to school.
That night he said it still hurt, but was feeling somewhat better. Jack is not a complainer, so I was definitely getting more concerned at this point. And, the next morning, it was still really swollen. So, we decided it was time for the doctor. I did a quick Google search and discovered there is a walk-in orthopedic clinic a mile from our house. Score! I dropped off Luke and Kara and off we went. We got there at 7:55, they weren't supposed to open until 8, but the doors were already unlocked and people were inside. We signed in and about 10 minutes later, got called back. They brought Jack into the x-ray room and took me to a waiting room. Then, the x-ray tech came and said, "actually, I am going to put you in another room." The next room was full of cast-making supplies. So, I figured he could tell from the x-ray it was broken. And, I was right.
While we were there, I got the whole story from Jack: Anna came into his room asking (yelling) for him to return her Taylor Swift cd. He didn't feel like he needed to do this and asked her to leave. She grabbed the cd, out of his cd player, and he blocked her from leaving. More yelling ensued and she ultimately shoved him. He fell down, using his hands to break the fall, causing a buckle fracture.
So, he got it wrapped up and we were out of there by 9. Unfortunately, the bus comes at 8:50. So, I drove him to school and headed to work. He didn't miss a minute. I told one of my coworkers the story and she was shocked I made him go to school, she asked if I at least stopped and got him a donut or Egg McMuffin on the way. None of this occurred to me. Why would he be rewarded for breaking his wrist? Obviously, I felt bad for him. But, is that a reason to miss school?
sad Jack |
In other exciting news, on Friday night, the Darrows came to see us! They were starting their Disney vacation on Saturday and drove in on Friday. They spent the night at our house and it was just like old times. We stayed up until 11 (late for me :) chatting and catching up. Everyone woke up happy on Saturday, the kids were excited to be playing together again. One perfect thing about their family is they also have 4 kids so each kid has a friend. They will all play together, but there is someone distinct for everyone and it works out really well. We were all very happy to see them and sad to see them go. The kids said it made them miss Maryland more. But, we pointed out that if we were in Maryland, the Darrows wouldn't have spent the night at our house.
Luke got mad because I asked him to sit on Kara's lap and refused to be in the picture. Kara is holding a picture of him :) |
And, in final news. We scored fast passes to Flight of Passage, so the boys finally got to ride! It is the hardest fast pass to get and the only one we hadn't had so far (well, we haven't had Slinky Dog either, but we've got a system for that one). I liked it much better the second time around. To be fair, I liked it the first time, but didn't think it lived up to the hype, I still don't think it is as amazing as everyone else seems to think, but I can at least see that perspective now. We went to Sea World in the morning and got a bunch of free samples from their Beer and Food Fest (they gave all passholders 3 free, so we had 18!). We ate a lot of good food, and then went to Animal Kingdom, rode FOP and left. It was a very touristy day. But, we were home by 3, plenty of time for Kara and Jack to play with their new friends.
And that, my friends, wraps up what was original entitled "October #2". Maybe, I should just sit down and write more often!
But, wait, there's more! Bonus pictures! I saw these on my phone when I was looking for relevant ones. We went to SeaWorld recently and I finally grabbed a picture of the penguins. And, Kara rode Manta! She loved it! I think she is ready for anything now, but, she still says she doesn't like big hills, so maybe not.
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Can you find Kara? She's on there somewhere. |
We love, LOVE the penguins. |