Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Busy Weekend and a Hurricane!

I have to go back in time a bit to write about what we did outside the birthday stuff. 

On September 30th we had a "free" inspection of our plumbing and electrical systems. Apparently, at some time we signed up for a plan (likely during one of our plumbing problems, where they told us it would save us money) and that plan came with yearly inspections. Never again! The electrician told us that our outside panel was giving off heat and needed to be replaced ASAP to the tune of $5K. He pointed out that it was a gold color which he said was evidence of this heat, as compared to the silver color of the interior box. He said he wasn't allowed to say the word (fire) but that we all knew what could happen if something is emitting too much heat. In other words he laid it on thick. Too thick. It didn't feel right, so we got a second opinion. That guy charged us $350 and said the first guy was "an idiot". The color was different because it was copper and it was functioning fine and we were not in any danger. So, the free inspection costs us $350 just to resolve a problem we didn't have. The plumbers also found about $2500 of work that "needs" to be done. For example, Anna's toilet handle was broken, but he said he could fix that for just $100. Thomas bought a $5 part and had it done in two minutes. There were a couple of minor legitimate things that we will get taken care, but, we aren't going to hire that company!

Saturday morning, I took Jack to his cross-country meet. Jack set a new PR and came in at 18:53! He placed 35th out of over 100 runners and his team finished in second place. This was Jack's 5th race. He ran the first in 21:24, so this is awesome improvement. However, Jack was still disappointed, he was hoping to finish ahead of some kids who beat him.

Not sure who took this cool picture, obviously not me!

While we were doing that, Thomas dropped Kara off at lacrosse and then took Luke to a baseball tournament. Luke's team broke out of their slump and over the course of the weekend, won 3/3 games. The fourth was canceled for weather. Luke pitched and did amazing. He only gave up one hit and one walk in four innings on Saturday. And, he pitched three perfect innings in the Sunday game. He also hit well and had some good plays in the outfield.

Meanwhile, I dropped Jack off and went to Kara's lacrosse. They were doing a tournament style day. Kara played in two games and did well. Between games, we decided to go to Chick-Fil-A. On our way there, we passed Jack and Anna, who were leaving CFA. And, guess where Thomas and Luke went to lunch between his games??? A Chick-Fil-A! All 6 Wilson's had lunch at Chick-Fil-A in three groups of two on Saturday. 

Saturday night, Kara and I went to HHN with her friend Shannon. We did 5/10 houses and had a good time.

Sunday, I was planning on going to Luke's games, but I was 99% sure they would be canceled for weather. I was wrong, but it probably should have been canceled. They played one game in the rain and then canceled the second game. We had the remnants of a tropical storm passing over us. And, a hurricane was forecast to hit us later in the week. So, I decided to go to Walmart for our weekly shopping. Normally, we do a delivery on Monday or Tuesday, but I was afraid everything would be gone. I got everything on my list, but the store was definitely crowded for 7am on a Sunday. 

Junk food and toilet paper--we were all set!

There was no baseball or lacrosse practice during the week due to weather. And, school was canceled Wed-Fri. They have Monday off for Columbus Day, so the kids get a 6-day weekend. Unfortunately, Thomas and I are working like normal. The only drawback of teleworking is on those rare occasions when the base closes, we still have to work. Anna and I went for walks in the evening. She is thinking about trying to enlist in the Air Force after high school, so we are talking about that quite a bit. One night some of us watched The Haunted Mansion movie. We have also played games and are watching the Halloween episodes of Brooklyn 99. It has been nice to have everyone home at night.

For most of the week, the storm was forecast to go right over us, potentially as a Category 2 hurricane. We have a lot of large trees around our house, so this was pretty nerve-wracking. However, about 12 hours before landfall, it moved a little south. It was a loud night for wind, and we did (maybe) have some hurricane force gusts, but nothing like we feared. One smaller tree in our yard was knocked over and we lost a shutter, but overall, we fared well. It was still stressful, as the wind was loud and our phones went off all night with various alarms (flood warning! tornado watch!). These storms are so strange in how they manifest. Some areas of Orlando completely flooded and areas significantly north of us (thus, further from the eye) had way worse winds. I guess you never really know what to expect and just have to prepare for the worst.

Sad to see a tree down.

We found the shutter, but it was cracked. We are glad it didn't hit the cars.

Anna and I use the white pipe in one of the neighborhood ponds to judge rain levels. The picture on the left was Monday. The right was Thursday. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Anna and Jack are 17!!!

Jack and Anna turned 17 on Thursday. It feels crazy for them to be that old. For the first time ever, Jack wanted a birthday party. Well, what he asked for was to go bowling with his friends. However, the bowling alley wouldn't let you reserve a lane without booking a party. He had the party on a Sunday afternoon. They bowled for a couple of hours, ate, then spent a little time in the arcade. Jack had fun and I don't think he regrets his choice.

Anna wanted to go to Disney Springs and the beach. Our weekends are so busy that it can be hard to find time to do things. To make Anna's requests happen, we decided to go to Disney Springs after work/school and let them skip school for the beach. So the celebration took place over the course of their birthday week. Sunday started with Jack's birthday party. The rest of us (except Kara who doesn't like bowling) also bowled. The bowling alley is huge with 80 lanes, so it was easy enough to be there without interfering in his party.

On Monday, Anna, Kara and I went to Disney Springs after school. We browsed all the shops they were interested in and had burgers for dinner at Anna's request. It was a fun night. Jack was at cross-country practice and Luke didn't want to go, so Thomas stayed home with Luke.

Tuesday, Jack had cross country and band practice. Kara had lacrosse, but got rained out. Oddly enough, Luke still had baseball. It was pouring at our house for hours, but no rain 7 miles away at the baseball field So weird! One day, I was walking to the school and I literally passed the line where the rain began (or ended). One step forward--no rain. One step back--rain. Florida weather is not for the faint of heart!

Wednesday Jack had a band concert. None of the other kids wanted to go (there were concerns about how long it might last). Thomas and I went to Culver's for dinner and then the concert. We enjoyed the music. There was one number with a combined band and orchestra that was really great.

Thursday was their actual birthday. I made one of Jack's favorites for dinner, beef stroganoff. Anna and I made her requested cake (pumpkin spice with cinnamon cream cheese frosting--delicious!). We also made some cake pops, just for fun. The kids opened their presents. Jack got two records and a backpack for cross-country. Anna got Legos, a Kendra Scott necklace, and a chair and tower air conditioner for her room (she got more than Jack because she didn't have a party).

Anna got a custom coke with her name on it at the Coca-Cola story in Disney Springs. She enjoyed it on her birthday.
Friday was supposed to be the beach. We were going to try a new one in Jupiter that is supposed to be beautiful. But, the forecast called for thunderstorms all day. It doesn't usually storm in the mornings, so that was unfortunate. We gave Anna the option of going to Cocoa Beach (better forecast), doing something else, or postponing to another day. She decided to do a Disney day. We went to Magic Kingdom and did all her favorites and some rides we usually skip, like the carousel and tea cups. It was a fun day!

We went on the People Mover while Space Mountain was shut down and got to see it with the lights on.

View from Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse.

And, that concludes the birthday week! I am so glad that Jack and Anna were born. I always wanted to be a mom. I've probably written this at least one time in the past, but one of my first memories is praying for a baby of my own and then getting scared that God would grant my wish and quickly praying, "never mind". I was probably 4. We write about everyone each year in January, but I can't end this blog without saying a few things that I love about them. 

Anna has a great sense of humor; she can be quick to anger, but is also quick to apologize and admit when she is wrong. She is intuitive, smart, and loving. She has gained a lot of confidence this year and it is amazing to see the young woman she is becoming. 

Jack is super smart and good at all the hard subjects that I try and avoid. He is goal-oriented and willing to work hard for what he wants. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and strives to be a good, moral, human being. He is kind to everyone. I know great things are in store for him!

I am so proud to be their mom!