This may come as a shock, but things aren't always rosy at the Wilson house. Let me give you a minute to recover...
Sad but true. Lately we have been experiencing a lot of bad attitudes, particularly from our temperamental 3-year old. And, her big sister is seeing all of the (negative) attention garnered from these attitudes and has decided to throw her hat in the ring for title of, "most unpleasant child ever." Right now, it's a tight race.
Actually, we might be on an upswing. It's been about a month of misery, but (knock on wood) the behavior seems to be improving. At least a little. Before it is a thing of the past, I wanted to share a few of my favorite gems:
Scene, the library. Lots of people reading, on computers, and generally just enjoying the air-conditioned solace of a quiet place.
Me: Okay, guys it's time to go. Finish what you're doing and we'll check out.
Anna: I don't want to go. YOU'RE THE WORST MOM EVER. WHEN WE GET HOME, I'M GOING TO HIT YOU. <takes off her necklace and throws it, necklace lands behind the bookshelves. Lots of crying. Sucker mom removes necklace, bruising arm in the process.>
Discussion on consequences.
Kara: <now that Anna has calmed down, Kara decides she wants the book Anna has, asks>: Anna, can we trade?
Anna: No.
Kara: Will you share with me?
Anna: No.
Kara: <shrieks. Continues to shriek while we check out books. Shrieks loudly for the entire drive home.>
That was a good one, because I didn't see it coming. I also liked it because just about everyone stopped to stare. Not that I blame them, I would have stared too. [Also, for the record, I have NEVER said to any of my children that I am going to hit them when we get home. I am a believer in immediate consequences, if I'm going to hit you, it's happening now! Shoot, who knows who might read this-- so, in all seriousness, we rarely spank our children. I can't say never, but I can say I don't remember the last time Thomas or I spanked any of them, despite the current challenges.]
Scene: The car. Driving home from a dance lesson, where they are all taking a summer class together. The kids are talking about Dutch Wonderland.
Kara: Am I tall enough for all the rides now?
Me: No, but when we go next year, you will be.
Kara: <throws shoe angrily> DAMN IT. I don't like that. You're the worst mom ever!
Me: Why are you getting mad at me? I didn't create the height requirements?
Kara: <skrieky voice> I'm going to take off my other shoe and throw it at you!
Me: blah, blah, blah, make a good choice.
Fortunately, she did not throw the other shoe at me. Although, if she had I am guessing I would be able to remember the last time someone was spanked.
Scene: Fourth of July. We are enjoying a nice concert with some friends. It is almost time for the fireworks to start. I have been holding Kara pretty much all night.
Me: Actually, I have no idea what I said, but whatever it was really set her off.
Kara: You shut your mouth! <slaps me in the face.>
Poor Thomas bore the brunt on this one. He took her off my lap and tried to talk with her. We didn't want to deprive her of the fireworks, but she continued to kick me and hit him, so there was no choice. Off to the car they want. Actually, they ended up behind a tree where she was not able to view the fireworks. Unfortunately, neither was he. This one actually makes us laugh. Not in front of her, of course. But, it was also incredibly random. And, can you just imagine what would happen if Thomas did that to me? Or, me to him? Or, either of us to one of the kids??? The things you can (sort of) get away with when you're three.
I will spare you (and myself) from all of the "I hate you" speech we are getting lately from Anna. Also, Kara's new favorite thing to say is damn it. Preferably, in a loud shriek. Most often, uttered 10-15 times in a row. Ahhh, the joys of parenthood!
Jack for the most part has been really good. He did get mad at me this weekend. I can't remember what I did, but he told me he was never going to hold my hand again and I was the worst mom ever (if you haven't noticed, that's something all 3 of them like to say). Fortunately, his bad mood only lasted about 10 minutes. Then, he said he was joking and he would always hold my hand. I hope that's true.
On a positive note. More often than hate, it is "I love you." Sometimes, it is even "you're my best friend."
OMG, Sorry Kori but I am rolling on the floor laughing! Do you have any hair left :) I so enjoy your blog please keep writing, it always brings a smile to my face or tears to my eyes. (from laughing so hard)
I believe some would see this as poetic Justice
You and I need a moms-getaway-day!!! S and A are into bad behavior (probably because they are bored because its too hot to go anywhere and I'm too tired and lazy and now bored with them). S especially has gotten into things and ruined walls and toys and taken things he shouldn't have been playing with, having accidents, etc... I feel bad because I am cranky all the time because they aren't listening!!