Our 7-month separation ended on April 26. Thomas' flight was originally scheduled to arrive in late afternoon, but he was able to change to a morning flight. Because I wanted to make him a cake we were really scrambling that morning. I was hoping they would let us go through security to meet him at the gate. Unfortunately, I didn't leave a lot of time and went to the wrong check-in area. Then, after we finally made it through security, Kara had to go to the bathroom. All of that meant that Thomas was already on the ground and we almost walked right by him! Not quite the homecoming I envisioned, but it was wonderful regardless.

After picking him up from the airport, we decided to have lunch at Don Pablos. Although they aren't known for their tater tots, they really should be (they come with the kid's meals). Seriously amazing. The kids all fought over who got to sit next to Thomas and hold his hand. It was very sweet.
I am so glad he is home. I hated being apart for so many reasons. Thomas is my husband and my best friend and our family was incomplete while he was gone. Let's hope we never have to go through that again!
Although, there is one thing I will miss--this parking spot at the commissary :)
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