Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Day

Last Valentine's Day, the kids and I had a wonderful time making their cards.  We chose one online and then all sat down together at the table and assembled.  They loved it!  This year, I figured we would do the same thing.  I found a few simple ideas and let them choose which one they wanted.  Anna and Kara chose the same cat we did last year (You're a Purrrrfect Friend) and Jack chose a ninja design.  I dutifully bought the necessary materials and cut everything out for them, so all they would have to do is assemble.  They were excited about it...until we got started.  Then, there was lots of whining and complaining.  And, lest you think I waited until February 13 and expected them to do them all in one sitting, I didn't.  I started a full week before hand and told them we could just do a few each night.  But, they were never in the mood.  Sure, it started out fine, but a few glue sticks and heart shapes later, they were ready to call it quits.  In the end, Thomas and I did about 90% of the work.  Although, in their defense, I did make them write out all the names (which was done before we started putting them together).

This blog is mostly to serve as a reminder to myself for next year to just buy a box of premade Valentines and to save us all the time, money and aggravation (although, the finished products were really cute).

Because of (more) snow, they didn't get to hand them out until the Monday after Valentine's Day.  I was very anxious for them to come home and to hear about their day.  They bounded off the bus and all 3 were talking at once, they were just so excited!  We got home and they each described their class parties and everything that had happened.  Then, they each showed me all their Valentines (out of all three class, there was only one other kid who did a homemade card, guess the other parents are smarter than I am).  It is really fun having kids at this age where everything is just so exciting!

I thought I took pictures of the completed Valentines, but apparently not.

Thomas created a surprise Valentine sock puppet.  The kids loved it!  (I thought it was clever, but wished he had waited until we were done, since I wasn't sure we needed any more distractions).

The inspiration for Jack's (it's a wrapped Hershey's bar)

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