We recently bought annual passes to Kings Dominion. We decided instead of doing our annual trip to Dutch Wonderland and having just 2 days of fun, the money would be better spent on a full season of fun at Kings Dominion. We have currently been 3 times, including one awesome Friday where we took the kids out of school early. Most recently we went yesterday. Our friend and neighbor, Amanda, and her two children, came with us (her husband was working).
We left right after Jack's soccer game and go to the park around 12:30. Because we bought a meal plan that includes two meals with each visit we had waited to have lunch until we got there. After lunch, we got started on the rides. Around 3, we were heading to the children's area, when we realized Jack was not with us. Amanda took the other kids to one of the rides and Thomas and I began searching. We had seen him probably a minute before, so we didn't think he could be far away. However, we couldn't locate him. After about 5 minutes, I reported him missing to an employee, who took me to the Family Care Center. They asked me his name and made a phone call. About 5 minutes later, I was told security had a little boy they were bringing over. I went outside to wait. Meanwhile, Thomas was visiting all of Jack's favorite rides. After about 10 minutes, I learned that the kid they had found was not Jack. I was upset that we had lost so much time and began to get really worried. I saw a security guard outside and she took me back in to do a more formal report. I gave them a complete description of Jack and waited while she got permission to broadcast this info to all security in the park. Then, she left me with another security guard who took down my phone number and said he would call when they found him.
By this time it had been 40 minutes since we had seen Jack and I was extremely worried. Anna was with me and she was crying and saying over and over how she just wanted Jack and how he was a great brother who was so nice to her. A report of another missing child came over the radio, this one had been missing for 25 minutes and I had the (irrational, I suppose) thought that someone had kidnapped our children. I was really upset with myself because while we talk about stranger-danger fairly often, and even role-play various scenarios, we hadn't talked about what to do if they got separated from us. We also hadn't told them to never leave the park without us. I was extremely afraid that someone had lured him into the parking lot by saying that we were out there, or something similar. Every minute that ticked by increased my stress level exponentially.
About 5 minutes after I had given the guard his description, the same guard walked in the door with him. I started crying out of complete relief. He had been missing for 45 very long minutes. Jack had gone on a ride. He said he thought we knew he was going on and when he got off and we weren't there, he just started wandering the park to find us. Finally, someone asked him if he was lost and then brought him to the security officer. I have never felt such immense relief in my life.
We then waited outside for Thomas, who was still circling the park. I found out that he had the same progression of thoughts that I did and was also convinced that Jack must have left the park, because he was sure that he should have been found before that. Talking with Jack, we must have just missed him on several occasions because Thomas did look in all the places he said he was. Of course, for all I know, he was off riding his favorite roller coaster and enjoying the unexpected freedom (I don't really think that, but it is funny to imagine). It was an interesting experience, to feel so many emotions in such a short period of time. From slight annoyance to extreme worry and finally immense relief all in less than 60 minutes.
Later that day, we all took a bathroom break and guess who wandered off again?!?!?! Fortunately, Amanda spotted him and dragged him back to us. This time, I smacked his bottom and yelled at him in front of a very surprised crowd. I think the emotions of the day had gotten to me and I was so mad that he could have walked away from us again. The stroller had never moved, so I felt like it was an intentional act. I am sure the astonished parents watching just thought I was an awful mother abusing her poor, crying child. It was a rough afternoon. But, it spite of it all, we actually had a really good time. Poor Thomas had a headache and stayed with the littler kids while I got to do all the fun rides. I tried out another of the big coasters (my goal is one each trip until I do them all). The kids all got along really well and were very well-behaved (minus the Jack incidents, of course). We ended up staying until 9pm and were close to staying for the fireworks at 10. We really love that place and I am looking forward to many more visits. Here is the photo dump, but I didn't take any pictures yesterday, so they are from our first two visits.
Luke was not impressed with the carousel. |
Dino Dig area |
Joe Cool's Driving School (I think this is the cutest ride, it has stoplights and I love watching the kids wait for the light to turn green. Makes me laugh every time :) |
Another of a non-thrilled Luke |
Some decent Mexican food |
Jack and Thomas are in the front car. I love this ride. Definitely one of my favorites. |
Can you believe Thomas and I rode this? It is the tallest coaster there, by far. It is aptly named "The Intimidator". |
The only "roller coaster" Kara likes. |
Hanging out with the Luke and the girls while Thomas and Jack were on the coaster behind us. |
Taken by my friend from the top of the "Eiffel Tower" (1/3 to scale). Look how huge the Intimidator is! It just dwarfs everything. |
In other news, Jack is playing soccer, Kara is doing t-ball and Anna is still in dance. Guess when they have their practices? Mondays. It has been a nightmare in logistics. Actually, it's not really a nightmare, just a long miserable day. They only do one thing and they just happen to all be on the same night. I do think each one of them is getting better at their chosen activity, although I have no idea if they will continue beyond this season.
Last Thursday, Jack and Anna were in a show at school. As first graders, they were only eligible for the chorus, but they had been rehearsing for months and it was a very exciting time. Unfortunately, during the show Kara decided to throw a tantrum so I missed the first half. Kara is generally well-behaved, but when she chooses to act up, she goes all out. It was both embarrassing and infuriating. I really wanted to see the show! Thomas had been sitting separately in the back with Luke, so I had to bear the initial brunt. Then, he came out at intermission and took over. She was upset because she wanted popcorn. I told her if she was good I would get her some at intermission, then I realized I didn't have any money. I could have borrowed the dollar from any number of people there, but I wasn't thinking when I said this and I made the incredibly stupid mistake of telling her this during a break in the show. So, I have my share of the blame. Of course, screaming, crying, kicking and acting like a fool is a pretty disproportionate response to being told no popcorn, so I am not taking full responsibility.
Today is Mother's Day. We had donuts for breakfast, the kids made lots of thoughtful gifts and Thomas got me some beautiful flowers. He also let me enjoy a nap, and, as mentioned went to Kings Dominion, despite having a terrible headache and being unable to ride the rides. And, he did it all cheerfully! I am very lucky in life!!!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe Jack was gone for so long. I freaked out when Lily wandered off in Walmart and it was 5 minutes before I found her.