Sunday, July 19, 2015

Luke at 16 Months

Luke is 16 months old today (at least he was on the 17th, when I wrote this he was.  Now, it is the 19th and I am just getting around to pictures).  For me, one of the most amazing things to consider about this milestone is that it marks the age that Jack and Anna were when Kara entered the world.  They seemed so big and yet he seems so small.  It is hard to believe that at one point, we had 3 babies 16 months and younger. Still harder when I think of how I worked full-time and had a minuscule support system; it was just me and Thomas with our closest friends and family hundreds of miles away. It was not easy, but fortunately, we didn't know any better. 

Life with Luke is so much different. In some ways, it is almost like having an only child. During the school year, the kids are obviously gone for many hours. Even in summer, they have camps or activities that take them out of the home. It is nice to focus on one child and experience just one baby. I enjoy being home to witness the changes that occur on a seemingly daily basis. Of course, there are some difficulties. But, today isn't about those. Today is about focusing on our sweet Little Lukey! 

It is amazing to see the number of changes that have occurred in just a few months.  He is speaking more words and seems to understand just about everything we say (whether he chooses to comply/acknowledge is a separate issue).  He is also better at communicating his desires.  When he is hungry, he will simply go to the cabinet, pick something out and bring it to me.  If he wants to go outside he will go and get his shoes. He is more of a distinct person now, with clear likes and dislikes and the ability to communicate both effectively.

Likes include typing on the computer...

And, sweeping.

He says mama, dada, all done, Kara, Anna, hi, bye bye, no (and no, no, no with a finger wag), yay, book, ball, good (when you ask him how he's doing) and some other things.Like all of our kids, Luke is a pretty good sleeper.  He doesn't generally complain about going to bed at night or even taking naps. 

He loves to give high fives. But, his biggest like is probably balls. He throws with a good forward motion and loves to play catch. Of course, he can't actually catch anything, except a slowly falling balloon, but he loves to try. After watching Kara do countless cartwheels, he has also (sort of) accomplished a somersault. He will put his hands up in the air, like he is going to do something big, then he puts himself in a downward dog position. Sometimes, that's the end, but every now then he'll roll over and then stand up and put his hands in the air with an immense look of satisfaction.

Down dog Luke
Luke really likes being outside. He recently learned to open doors and has tried to escape more than once. He also hates if anyone tries to help him (he will tolerate Thomas or me holding his hand, but gets mad if the kids try and assist). He wants to do everything himself.  He still really enjoys being out and is great whenever we are someplace with lots to look at. When we are at Kings Dominion, he will routinely forgo his naps for the entire day to make sure he doesn't miss anything--and, he doesn't get cranky!  As long as there is lots to see, Luke is content. He (possibly) knows where his nose is, but will also point at his nose when you ask him all the other body parts.  Thomas was hoping for another lefty, but he shows a definite preference for his right hand.

Sometimes, one cup just isn't enough.

He's not a reader yet. He will bring us a book, let us read a page or two, then flip to the end, clap and say yay, as if we just accomplished some major task.  He still adores his siblings. Today, when we picked the kids up from camp, he was so excited. We got Kara first and he just ran in and gave her a hug, then he found Anna and did the same. When we got Jack, he kept trying to "talk" to Jack, but Jack was trying to talk to me. Luke got louder and louder until Jack finally acknowledged him. He listens intently for the door to open and runs to great whoever has come in with a loud recitation of their name and a wave. He especially loves to greet Thomas.

Swinging with his buddy Kara.

Luke is loud. Very loud. He talks all the way through the grocery store (fresh on my mind, because we were there today) in a way that can only be described as yelling. It has gotten to the point where I don't even notice. The other day, we were getting the oil changed. I had brought a snack for Luke and we were there about 30 minutes. I thought he was really quiet, but before we left a woman came out to see him and comment on how she had enjoyed hearing his chatter...from her office in the back.

He also has a bit of a temper. The other day we were at the library and he went to pick up a baby's pacifier, I told him no and the baby's mom put it in her purse. Luke just looked at her with an angry expression and then hit her. It makes us think that hitting must be an innate reaction, because as far as we know, Luke has never seen anyone hit or be hit. The most he gets from us is a "no, no, Luke! with a finger wag (which he also likes to imitate). Fortunately, there is no force behind his aggression. His mood can go from happy to complete dejection in just minutes. He throws himself on the floor in complete hysteria when he doesn't get his way. It generally lasts just a few seconds. Of course, he is also very sweet and loves to give kisses and hugs. Overall, his temperament is fantastic and I consider him an easy child.

Who could resist this sweet face?

He consistently sleeps through the night and thanks to the kids' summer schedule, has been forced into a single nap routine.  The kids still adore him and let him walk all over them. The other day, he had Kara's hair in a death grip and she just laughed and said, "oh, Lukey, please let go." A few minutes later, Anna brushed by her and she howled in pain and demanded satisfaction for the injury. It's good to be the baby.

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