On July 21, I turned 39. Yikes. One more year until the infamous forty. My first job was at a fast food restaurant called Hardees. To lure in the senior clientele, once a week they would host Bingo in the dining area. Apparently, I spoke loudly and clearly and became the regulars' preferred "caller". Whenever I called N40, everyone would shout in a silly voice, "foooooorrrrtyy". Finally, I asked why and they said it was because after 40 it's all downhill. At the time 40 was decades away. Now, it is right around the corner <sigh>. But, I digress, this blog is not about getting older, it is about how much I love my birthday.
Once a year, I give myself permission to be completely lazy and selfish. Well, maybe I do it more than once a year, but once a year it is guilt-free (maybe on Mother's Day too, but to a lesser degree). I don't really care about presents, but I love the opportunity to dictate exactly what we are going to do and to not have to listen to any complaints. Everyone knows that in this house, on your birthday, you make the rules, within reason of course. This year, I wanted to go to Annapolis, see the State House and the Naval Academy and have lunch at PF Changs. Thomas took the day off from work, but we decided to do Annapolis on Friday and my actual birthday was Thursday, so I finagled two special days.
Thursday, I woke up and decided I felt like going on a bike ride. Jack was awake, so he and I headed to Three Notch Trail and enjoyed a leisurely hour-long ride. Jack was great company and we had a good time. Meanwhile, Thomas and the girls were at home making my requested cake--strawberry with chocolate frosting, all from scratch. When Jack and I returned, it was time for my second requested activity--the Six Flags water park. Me and the older kids rode my favorite ride three times in a row while Thomas happily watched Luke. And, I didn't even feel (too) bad about it! We spent about 3.5 fun hours there. Our plan was to have a snack and then spend some time in the regular park. But, after our snack, I decided I wanted to go home and have a family movie night. There was some slight disappointment, but everyone knew it was my call. And, I made it without really giving much consideration to anyone else's feelings. We told them we'd come back to the regular park the following day after our Annapolis adventure, and they were happy to go home and have cake, so it wasn't a huge deal.
We didn't bring towels, so everyone was laying in the sun to dry off. Luke saw the way Thomas and Jack were laying and decided to join in. |
We got home and I picked the movie--Tangled. Again, I didn't ask anyone what they wanted to watch, I just chose a movie I liked and no one complained. We had our cake and ice cream. My wonderful neighbor brought me homemade cobbler and Brewsters ice cream. I can't imagine a better day! Obviously, I tried not to be a jerk or do anything that would be unpleasant for people, but it really was nice to just spent a day doing what I wanted to when I wanted to without having to consider everyone's thoughts and feelings. I certainly wouldn't want to be that way every day, but I think a couple of times a year is good. Plus, it gives the kids an opportunity to put their needs aside and be giving, which honestly is good for them. Thomas always works hard to make occasions special and my birthday was no exception, he changed all the diapers, handled the kids disagreements and worked hard to make it nice. He spent a long time making me an awesome cake and making sure I felt loved all day.
Friday, we did all my requested activities in Annapolis. I loved seeing the spot where Washington resigned his military commission and handed power back to Congress. I wonder what our country would be like today if he hadn't set that precedent? The state building was beautiful, the girls especially appreciated all the chandeliers and ornate fixtures.
The favorite chandelier. |
Standing where G.W. stood. I only took one picture and didn't realize it was blurry. |
After the State House, we walked over to the Naval Academy, toured the visitor's center and walked around the campus. The highlight was going to the chapel and seeing the impressive crypt of John Paul Jones (founder of the Navy). From there, we headed to PF Changs. Yum!
If you see a face cutout... |
every single child... |
even the littlest ones... |
must stick their head in and ask for a picture. |
We were done by 2, so we went to Six Flags. It was a great day, but, it was HOT; the heat index was close to 100. Ironically, they were celebrating Christmas in July. We went to a Christmas sing-along and the kids posed with Santa. We got home around bedtime.
Daffy and Bugs came to the show! |
This is actually a really good Santa photo. Too bad it is July and not December.
Thomas took some pictures with Luke. I can't decide which is my favorite, so here's the top 2:
Thomas took some pictures with Luke, I can't decide |
Saturday was Thomas' birthday, but we were neglectful toward him. He didn't want a cake and we spent a lot of the day cleaning the house. It gets pretty rough around here, especially in the summer. The lawn needed to be mowed and that was how Thomas spent his birthday morning. The kids made him cards and I had a small gift for him, but honestly, it wasn't the best day. His normal requested activities all take place outside and it is really too hot to spend an entire day outdoors. We will have to make it up to him.
His best friend arrived with his family Saturday night and now (Sunday) they are off in DC. Luke didn't fall asleep until after 10 last night, so there was no way he could do a DC trip today without making everyone miserable, so I volunteered to stay behind. Hence, I get to catch up a bit on blogging.