If you know where we live you are probably going to be surpised to learn that the ice cream the kids are eating in the picture was bought from an ice cream truck that actually came down our road! I couldn't believe it when I heard the music getting louder and louder. Then, there it was! The kids and I ran to the end of the driveway, where they were shocked to learn that the cheerfully decorated van carried all kinds of frozen treats. They loved choosing from the pictures and I was super excited that they were having the experience.
It has been a busy few weeks for us. We finished our swimming lessons. Kara and I were the only ones signed up for the tot class, so they let her in with the preschoolers (including Jack and Anna). She was too short to stand on the platform in the pool, so they had to add an extra step for her; she loved it! Anna did great on the first day and then cried every day after. The weird part was that she really wanted to go. Every morning she would be excited for swim lessons, we would get there, I would make her get in the pool, she would cry throughout the lesson, get out of the pool, and comment on how much fun she had. It was strange. When it got close to the end of lessons the kids wanted to know if they could do more. I told Anna I would only sign her up if she didn't cry for the last two days. She didn't make it through the entire lessons, but did much better. We may sign them up for another session later in the summer. I was really proud of all of them.
On a completely unrelated note, I volunteered to do a 96 day AT this summer. Today was my first day. I am already feeling a tinge of regret. Kara was very clingy tonight. I wonder how many days it will take until her mommy preference diminishes and she forgets that once upon a time we spent every waking moment together. Jack and Anna were sad to see the babysitter go home and relieved when I said she would be back in the morning. On the one hand, I am incredibly thankful that we have such a wonderful summer nanny who my children absolutely adore. On the other hand, I really want them to miss me (at least a little!). At 2 and 3, they don't seem capable of both. On the plus side, my first two days I am working on Thomas' base, so we got to ride in together today and have lunch at Panera. I love Panera. The food is so good and I can eat healthy and not feel like I am missing out on a better menu option. I hate going to a restaurant I like, ordering a salad and watching everyone else eat something really good. That's probably why I never do it :) But, Panera has great salads so it's a win/win. Now, what I have to look forward to for the next 95 days, I'm not as clear on.
You should have done your ADT in Hawaii.