When Thomas went away in July, we kept telling the kids "Daddy will be home for your birthday." This sentiment, which led to constant discussions on when exactly their birthday was, combined with a new understanding that birthdays can mean parties meant that we weren't going to get away with a trip to the zoo or cake and ice cream with just the 5 of us. Actually, I am sure we could have gotten away with just cake and ice cream, but it seemed like a good time for a celebration. We gave the kids the choice between going to Great Wolf Lodge for a night or having a party with friends. I was actually extremely confident they would choose Great Wolf Lodge. I was also extremely wrong. All three of them (not sure why Kara got a vote, but since it was unamimous, we let it slide) agreed on a backyard party. I had them convinced that ponies at their party would be the greatest treat ever. Well, until Jack saw a bouncy house in a nearby backyard. So, we gave them some choices: pony rides & petting zoo, or bouncy house.
Anna chose the petting zoo. Jack insisted on a bouncy house. Kara wanted pony rides (again, not sure why she had a vote, but she was pretty vocal on this). Once upon a time (i.e. a few months ago) I was able to sway them in whatever direction I chose, without them having any idea what I was doing. Unfortunately, those days are gone. At least where the party was concerned. I am not sure if the kids are wiser and have caught on to my ways, or they actually felt strongly enough on this one to take a stance. Regardless, we started talking about this party in July; in September, they were still holding firm. Thus, we made an executive decision of having it all (in reality, the "petting zoo" was an add-on to the ponies, but that's neither here nor there).
Today was the day. I wanted a low-stress, fun, backyard party. We tried to keep it as simple as possible. No organized games. Instead of presents we did a book exchange. Every kid came with a wrapped book. Every kid left with an unwrapped one. And, no gift bags. As a sidenote, I am not sure who came up with the idea of gift bags for little kids parties, but personally, I think it was a terrible one. I could write a whole other blog on my rationale for that one, but I'll try and stay focused.
I booked the bouncy house and ponies about a month ago. Most of the other party preparations took place yesterday (Friday). For Thomas, that meant spending the entire day in the yard (mowing, pressure washing the playset, weed whacking, etc.). For me, it involved a lot of shopping and baking of cakes. The cakes was actually the most stressful part. Note to self: don't tell everyone you took a cake decorating class, because then you will feel unrealistic pressure to make really nice cakes, even if it means staying up until midnight, and you probably aren't going to be pleased with the results. Another note to self: when the kids are "helping" bake the cakes, make sure you stay on top of keeping track of things, or you will forget a cup of flour and have to throw an entire (soggy) baked cake away. Final cake note to self: your handheld beaters are not a Kitchenaid, if you place them on the bowl and walk away, even just 2 steps, they will knock the bowl, and all its gooey contents, to the floor. As you may surmise, it was a long day of cake baking.
Fortunately, the other food was simple--salad, plain sandwiches, pink lemonade, hotdogs, and chips. Easy, generally liked by kids (at least my kids, which is how I tend to judge things). I assumed people weren't expecting a lot on a Saturday morning. Our friend, Isabel Parker handled all the decorations, which was also wonderful. Oh, one more "lesson learned" from this party. We choose 10-12 because I didn't want to interfere with naptime for our toddler friends. But, I wasn't really thinking about how it's still a tad chilly at 10 and the grass is still wet and it's really kind of early. Fortunately, it was a beautiful, sunny day, but that could have turned out badly.
Okay, now the party itself. I was thrilled that so many of our friends could make it. The kids seemed to like the bouncy house, the ponies, and our playset. So, if I had to choose just one, I am not sure which way I'd go (but, probably the bouncy house. Thomas said the ponies & "zoo"). The two hours flew by, at least for me. After our friends left, Jack, Anna, Kara and the Reynold's kids (friends who visited from Virginia) played in the bouncy house for another 4.5 hours. Those kids better sleep tonight!
I really liked the book exchange. My kids got three great books, which we have already enjoyed reading. Jack and Anna didn't miss a big pile of presents at all. I hope they will be as agreeable to the book exchange idea (or something similar) for years to come. We did, of course, give them gifts on their actual birthday (bikes). They also got presents from extended family so I don't feel as if they were deprived of anything.
I just asked Anna what she liked best about her party and she said, "my favorite part of the party was when Jewel played hide and seek with me on the bounce house. And when I jumped inside it." I asked her if she liked the ponies and she said, "I loved riding Lightening." Jack said his favorite part was also the bouncy house. Kara said she enjoyed riding the train. I am not sure if she is thinking of our trip to Bowles Farm last week, or some game she played today. Considering no nap, and 7 hours running around outside today, I will cut her some slack.
One other thing--I made their birthday outfits. I really want to start sewing. So, I decided to start with a simple skirt for Anna and a cupcake shirt, and an applique shirt for Jack (he chose the design of a "J" wearing a birthday hat). It was a little disheartening, I spent hours on Anna's shirt. Kara's cupcake shirt was $3.50 (on sale) at Target. Of course, Anna's was made with love. But, still maybe I should rethink the sewing thing...
In retrospect, there are some things I'd do differently, but overall I am very happy with the way things turned out. And, I can't believe my little babies are 4! Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here are some pictures from the party (and one from when Jack and Anna were teeny tiny).
Our little Anna, right around 3 weeks old. |
Jack, also around 3 weeks old. |
The petting zoo consisted of 3 super soft bunnies and 3 goats. |
Jack, Anna and Lily bouncing around |
Pony making it's way around the playset |
The birthday boy and girl |
Kara in her Target birthday shirt |
Candles wouldn't light thanks to a gentle breeze, but we still sang Happy Birthday (twice in fact) |
Jack with his book exchange book |