My birthday is July 21. Thomas' is July 23. We are not huge birthday people. Overall, we are definite over-achievers when it comes to holidays, especially Christmas, but for whatever reason that just doesn't extend to birthdays (or Valentine's Day). We usually exchange a small gift and maybe go out to dinner. Of course, there are exceptions. For Thomas' 30th, I surprised him with a trip to the All Star Game in Detroit. For my 30th, he surprised me with a deluxe weekend at a Bed and Breakfast in Charlottesville.
Flashback photo--2005 All Star Game! |
Having kids who are aware of what a birthday means has added a little more excitement to our special days. Last year the kids were super-excited to bake me a cake with Thomas. They still talk about the experience. They also love to ask what we want; I have asked for the same thing the past couple of years, and I imagine it will be my birthday wish for years to come: a day of no fighting. But, as Jack remarked, "umm, that's too about a nice movie instead," so I am not going to get my hopes up.
Regardless, this year our birthdays were greatly anticipated, if not by us, then at least by our children. I have been wanting to go to Medieval Times for awhile, but Thomas was not enthusiastic, so we usually ended up doing something else for which we could both get excited. I decided my birthday was the perfect time to cash in and announced that I would like to go to Medieval Times. Thomas readily agreed. We decided to see an afternoon show. I went to the gym early and when I came home, the house was still quiet. I assumed everyone was still sleeping. I walked into my bedroom and everyone jumped out at me, yelling "surprise!" They all demanded I open their presents right then and there. Thomas had given me his gift early--an 1865 copy of my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. The kids had picked me out jewelry. Some large hoop earrings and necklaces. I was very happy to have gifts that they picked out themselves.
We went out to a late breakfast and then headed to Baltimore. The kids enjoyed walking around the mall, but were a little irritated that we wouldn't let them do the things they wanted (like ride the train). We kept explaining that Medieval Times was our entertainment. They really liked the Bass Pro Shop and the Disney Store.
At Bass Pro Shop |
Finally, it was time for the show. After they got their crowns, the kids got more enthusiastic. I think they were not sure what to expect. Kara kept referring to it as a movie and didn't believe us when we told her there would be real horses. Unfortunately, our knight was kind of lousy. He seemed to have an aversion to looking at the audience. The other knights seemed much better at interacting with the crowd. Regardless, it was a fun time. Jack especially loved the show. He was an enthusiastic boo'er and cheerer. He was especially thrilled that one of our ally knights was the victor.
They were trying to pose like knights. |
Jack booing |
On Monday, it was back to camp for the kids (they went the three weeks I worked and then had one final week). On Thomas' birthday, I met him for lunch at Panera. Then, I picked up the kids from camp and we baked him a cake. I had already taken them to pick out presents. With slight encouragement ("I know you like that, but do you think Daddy would?"), they had found gifts they were very excited to present. They wanted to surprise him the same way he surprised me, so we hid in the living room and jumped out when he got home from work. The kids had him immediately open his presents (Kara gave him a bird house, Anna picked out a nice shirt, and Jack gave him a Marvel belt. I gave him a silver age comic and some baseball cards). The kids were beyond excited to give him the gifts; Jack was literally jumping up and down with excitement. Their enthusiasm really did make everything more fun. I was going to make a nice dinner, but we decided to just have hotdogs, since we were all anxious to get to the cake.
Finishing touches on the cake. |
Kara was very excited about the birdhouse |
Jack literally jumping up and down in anticipation of Thomas' opening his gift |
The best family in the world. |
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