We have been dealing with sick kids for two weeks. Two very long, very miserable weeks. It started with Kara coming downstairs one morning and reporting that her head hurt and she just didn't feel good. Her temperature was 102.7, so home from school she stayed. After three days with a fever consistently between 102-103, we headed to the doctor. He swabbed for strep and flu and both came back negative. On Thursday afternoon, the fever was gone, so we thought we had cleared the hurdle. She even went to school on Friday. But that night, the fever and headache were back. Finally, Kara was completely normal on Sunday, the very day Anna first complained that her throat hurt. But, Anna didn't have a fever and her allergies can be wacky this time of year, so we hoped for the best.
Al Bundy, also known as patient zero. |
Monday, Luke woke up with a fever of 104.2, but the older three all went to school. Tuesday, Anna, Jack and Luke all had fevers. Anna reported that she couldn't swallow because her throat hurt so much. Anytime Luke tried to eat, he would spit out the food and cry "hot, hot". After all of Anna's strep throat this winter, we decided a trip to the doctor was warranted. Again, strep and flu were tested, again they were negative. Jack never seemed quite as sick (maybe he just complains less) and he even made it to school on Friday, but his symptoms returned Saturday afternoon. It is now Sunday and Anna and Jack are still running fevers. Their tonsils are massive and spotty and neither one wants to each much besides popsicles and ice cream. Luke hasn't taken a real nap in a week and is incredibly cranky.
Five minute power nap/meditation. |
There have been a variety of symptoms, from vomit to dizziness to runny noses. The only thing they've had in common is a high temperature and a headache. So, as I said, it has been a long, miserable, unpleasant, lousy, tiring, frustrating two weeks. I can't remember having so many kids sick for so long ever before. We've done many loads of laundry and lots of sanitizing, but the virus is strong and powerful and winning the war. We have no idea when this will end. My current fear is that just as the kids get better, Thomas or I will get it. Frankly, I'm shocked that we haven't already, considering the amount of germs that have been spewed in our faces. I'm also afraid that the kids are going to reinfect each other. This is particularly troublesome because we are supposed to go on vacation soon and there's no way we can travel at this point.
Incredibly messy, even by my standards. Luke has been pulling out every toy he can find. Perhaps searching for a magical cure? Anna and Jack have been bringing books by the dozen into the family room. |
In other news. Well, there is no other news. We have done virtually nothing for two weeks. Have I mentioned that? One thing I can say is that I am glad I stay home. Thomas has been incredibly busy at work and this situation would have been 10x more stressful if we had to worry about childcare on top of everything else. And, actually, I do have a bit of other news. I have glasses! I noticed my vision seemed blurry when I read for long periods (thanks to Stephen Kings 11/23/63, this became much more noticeable). The kids think I look very smart when I wear them (as opposed to the rest of the time when I guess I just look dumb).
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everyone magically wakes up healthy tomorrow, Thomas and I stay healthy, and this illness leaves our home forever!
I was just thinking about how it had been awhile since I'd heard from you. Sorry it has been so miserable and I hope everyone gets better so you guys can have an awesome trip and that Luke has a great birthday. If I don't catch up with you before you go, have a fantastic time and we'll look forward to catching up with you when you get home.