We were blessed with great weather for Labor Day weekend. There was potential for a tropical storm, but fortunately, it stayed far away, so we were able to enjoy the nice temperatures and finally get outside!
Saturday, we went to Mount Vernon. We got to see Washington's 16-sided barn in action! Every visit, we've seen the barn and heard about how it was one of Washington's inventions. I knew the purpose was to more effectively separate grain from straw. But, I never quite understood how it worked. It was not what I envisioned. Basically, they would put the wheat down on the inside perimeter of the barn and 2-6 horses would run over it and the grain would fall through the slats and be collected below. They let us sit in the barn and brought in two horses to demonstrate.
The horses in action |
The "horses" were actually some type of pony, they were super friendly. |
Choppy water, thanks to the tropical storm churning somewhere out at sea |
We walked around outside, had lunch and then decide to check out the grist mill and distillery--another place we hadn't been. Unfortunately, Kara (and Anna to a lessor extent) was in rare form, so Thomas stayed outside with Luke and the girls, while Jack and I did the tour. It was impressive! Washington sold his pure flour as far away as Europe and we got to see how the process worked. I was hoping that Thomas could do a tour after me and Jack, but the girls spirits (and behavior) hadn't improved, so we headed home by way of Krispy Kreme.
It's kind of hard to see, but here's Jack with the giant grist mill wheel. |
Sunday we went to Fort McHenry. Thomas had been wanting to go back for a while and we decided to take advantage of the nice weather. We left shortly after breakfast. I packed a bag of treats that got lost between the kitchen and the car (and still has not been found). So, we stopped at a gas station on the way and let the kids pick out snacks, probably the highlight of their day. Actually, we all had a good time at Fort McHenry. It was our second time there, but I don't think we saw the movie the first time. At the end, they raise the screen and the blinds and you see Old Glory flying while our National Anthem plays. It was surprisingly effective at evoking some of the feelings Francis Scott Key may have felt. Of course, we toured the fort and everyone had a good time running around and exploring.
Making plans with Major Armistead |
Jack guarding Kara |
Quite the view! |
From there, we went to Six Flags to activate our new season passes. They had an awesome Labor Day weekend renewal deal that we just could not pass up. I still miss Kings Dominion, but Six Flags has been good to us. It is cheaper, closer and still fun for the kids. I am comfortable taking the kids up during the week while Thomas works in the summer, something I wouldn't want to do with Kings Dominion (just too far and over the scary bridge). Also, I am looking forward to their Christmas event. So,we renewed. We even convinced a few friends to join with us, so I hoping for even more fun in 2017. Anyway, it was on our way home and Luke had been begging to "ride the choo choo," so we braved the crowds, but did not stay long.
Kara was sick Sunday night, so we stayed home on Monday. Some obnoxious stomach bug has been making the rounds through our house. It has not made anyone terribly sick, but it is long-lasting and does make its victims uncomfortable. I think we may finally all be over it (about a month after it started). In other health news, I was convinced Kara had impetigo on Tuesday morning. I made her stay home from school and scheduled a visit with the doctor only to find out it was poison ivy! You'd think with as much poison ivy this family has had, I would learn to recognize the rash. At least I can recognize the plant, although that apparently didn't help this time. Since we were outside all weekend, there is no telling where she got it, but we suspect in the woods near one of her friend's houses. The worst part about it was I got stuck in awful bridge traffic...twice. Yup, twice. I am not smart enough to avoid the same mistake, apparently. I just assumed it would've been cleared up in time for our return trip home. Nope. Somehow a 300-pound manhole cover disappeared and brought traffic in our area to a screeching halt for over 8 hours as a new one was specially made.
It was a lot redder than it looks in this picture. |
In final news, Luke has his first day of pre, pre, pre-K today. I feel guilty about enrolling my two-year old in "school," but I think it will be good for both of us. I used my first 2.5 hours of freedom to go to the gym, take a shower (all by myself, with no interruptions!) and do a quick Target trip. It is only a few hours a week, but I am excited. Luke enjoyed his first day. When I picked him up, his teacher said she wished she had "10 just like him," he was just so "easygoing and happy."
My goodness ... Yesterday he was just a baby!vmy oh my how the time goes by. 😥