Everyone was awake nice and early on Saturday morning. We enjoyed our free hotel breakfast and then headed back into Philadelphia. Our plan for the day consisted of one thing: the Franklin Institute. Some friends of ours had recently done a Philadelphia trip and after hearing about how much they enjoyed the Franklin Institute, we changed some plans around to give it its own complete day (originally, we were going to go to The Constitution Center and Franklin Institute on Friday and the rest of the historical stuff on Saturday). We got there shortly after it opened and bought our passes.
The kids loved it all! We had to drag them out almost every exhibit. Luke was funny, he found something in each area that he liked and just didn't budge. It was pretty cute. My favorite thing was a little paper airplane making station with some wind lift (you had to try and fly them into a recycling bin). I also loved the planetarium. Thomas liked the electricity room, Anna liked the giant heart, Jack loved climbing around the brain and Kara's favorite was the sports area where she and Anna raced repeatedly. Luke also enjoyed the racing, he had a whole pattern, he would race down the track, then into the basketball area where he would interrupt someone who was seeing how high they could jump by racing through their court. Every. Time. We tried to stop him, really, we did.
Early morning wake-up! |
Playing with electricity |
Flying planes |
Luke made us set up these dominoes over and over and over and over |
Climbing around the brain, watch out for those synapses! |
Choo choo! This area had a really fun activity where you had to look at clues to determine whose fault it was that a train crashed. |
Designing their Mars rovers. |
On your mark...get set...GO! |
We had lunch at the Institute and basically stayed all day. After the museum, we drove around Philadelphia, trying to get more of a feel for the city, before heading back to our hotel. We stopped off for groceries so we could have dinner in our room; one of the definite benefits of staying at a Residence Inn is the kitchen area. By the time we got back and made dinner it was well after 6. Nobody had slept well the night before, so we were anxious for everyone to get a good night's sleep. We had everyone in bed by 7:45 and I think all the kids were asleep by 8:30, with Thomas and I only slightly behind them.
And that concludes Day 2.
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