Sunday, October 11, 2020

Politics (warning, if you like Trump--this will annoy you)

So, here is my promised political post. Please don't read if hearing the opinion of someone who really dislikes Trump is going to make you mad. I feel like I have been relatively moderate in voicing my political views online, but have already had a couple of people unfriend me on Facebook. Which, frankly, is completely fine. Several people I love are Trump supporters. And, while I genuinely have a hard time understanding that perspective, I accept that I don't have to understand. And, if people can't reciprocate and accept respectful disagreement, then I am okay with losing them from my life. I strive not to personally attack those I disagree with, although this post may come close. So, again, read at your own peril. And, know that if you disagree with me, I am okay with that and would be happy to read your differing views with an open mind (also recognizing that at this point in the game, you aren't going to change my opinion and I am not going to change yours--this is about me memorializing a crazy, historic time, not trying to persuade).

Tuesday, Jack and I watched the Vice Presidential debate. Thomas watched some as well, but he really can't stand listening to a debate when the parties don't answer the questions. And, this was definitely one of those kinds of debates. But, I enjoyed it so much more than when Trump and Biden had their moment to shine (and completely failed to do so). Both Pence and Harris told some lies, Pence more than Harris according to the fact checkers, but truth so is so arbitrary right now. It seems like either side can find some study, piecemeal quote, or "expert" to support whatever position they are taking. And, politicians have become very good at half-truths. I don't really like Pence, but he doesn't strike me as a complete bully/narcissist/liar, so maybe I could have voted for him and maintained ties with my Republican party if things were different. Fortunately, I really like Harris. I was nervous for her and thought she did a great job. I can definitely see her litigation background and I am generally a fan of strong women.  I was annoyed at the people who called her "unpresidential," which seemed especially hypocritical considering they support who is arguably the least "presidential" president our country has ever had. 

For me, the highlights were when Pence asked Harris if she would take a vaccine and she said yes, if the science supports it, no if it is just Trump telling her to take it. That is exactly how I feel. The second highlight was when there was a fly on Pence's head. And, that isn't because of any political view. Rather, how bizarre is it to have a fly land on your head and remain there for 2 minutes? What was that all about??? Back to the debate, I didn't like that Harris wouldn't answer the court-packing question. She couldn't even give some dumb answer like, "we aren't going to rule out any action that ensures the success of our democracy," or some other meaningless "maybe"?  But, I did find it really funny that Pence asked the record to reflect that she wouldn't answer the question when he himself had just completely failed to address the question that was asked of him. Gotta love a politician!

I watched a clip of some Democrat at a Republican rally. Most of the attendees seemed pretty nice, but there were two things that caught my attention: The first is just kind of funny and not really related to my political views. The host was asking someone if the economy was better now than it was four years ago. The guy announced really emphatically that he thought so. The host pressed him a bit and the man remarked that he is so much better off, he is making 4x the amount he made four years ago! The impressed host asked him what he did for a living. And, without any irony, the man responded, "I'm a debt collector!" It still makes me chuckle.

The second one is more serious and goes to a big issue for me. A lot of people, all of whom were white, remarked that they do not believe that racism is an issue in our country. I am sure that for them, it isn't. I know that for me, as a middle-aged white woman, I am not facing discrimination. However, the majority of African Americans would disagree (approximately 80% according to most polls). So, who should I listen to on questions regarding racial inequality in America, the people who are affected by it, or the ones that aren't?

My mother had bad mood swings/depression in her younger years. Being a very smart woman, she noticed a pattern that corresponded with her menstrual cycle. She began tracking her moods and kept detailed records that she brought to her doctor. Rather than listen to the person who was experiencing the issue, he told her it was all in her head and there was no correlation. As a result of his unwillingness to listen my mother suffered needlessly for years. Not a perfect analogy, but for some reason, it is the one I always think of. How can a good portion of American choose to ignore what 80% of a demographic is telling them? It boggles the mind!

I do not believe Trump is responsible for the racial discord, but I do believe that he has done much to fan the flames and support the animosity in this country. To me, that is evidenced by comments about white supremacy, police brutality, and even his continued refusal to accept responsibility for the very serious mistake he made with regard to the Central Park Five. I actually don't believe Trump is racist, but I do believe this is another example of him putting his own self-interests first.

My goodness, trying to narrow down all the reasons I dislike him is harder than I thought. So here are some examples. The fact that he has repeatedly used his political office to further his personal interests (that call with Ukraine for example). His statements about McCain make my blood boil. His quid pro quo attitude and demand for personal loyalty over loyalty to country or constitution. The fact that a good number of his associates have been convicted of crimes, many on his behalf (paying off mistresses, lots of false statements). His record on how he treats women; he was literally caught on tape saying he grabs them by the pussy and they just let him do it. Yet, 26 different women have accused him of sexual misconduct, and who knows how many more were just paid off.  His failure to believe in global warming. His consistent attitude that the rules don't apply to him. His political appointments that coincide with large donations. His dealings with China and Russia. Or, him admitting he doesn't read his daily briefings. So many personal failures!

There is a lot I think on the issues too. I think he has hurt the economy, not helped it. I think he has hurt our world standing. I think we are less safe than we were 4 years ago. I think he has taken credit for other's accomplishments. The rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer. I don't blame him for COVID, but I do blame him for divisive rhetoric and politicizing an issue that should have united our country. I wonder why our country has 25% of the cases, when we only make up 4% of the world's population?

But, at the end of the day, even if a fact-checker proved me wrong on some of the above, I could never vote for someone to represent our country that I see as such a mean, divisive bully. I use that word (bully) sparingly, but believe it truly fits here--he has proven himself as vindictive and mean, just read up on all the people he's fired, or who’ve quit, and what he said before versus what he said after about them. The way that he talks to people who disagree with him, the way he speaks about McCain and other former POWs, the continued pattern of ignoring fact and saying whatever he wants with impunity. Remember this gem, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters." Unfortunately, he has proven that point. He is not my candidate. I believe that almost anyone else would be a better President. There are 1000 more reasons, but I am getting myself all worked up writing this, so I'm going to call that good.


  1. The fly totally got me too, like, how is he not feeling it on his head? Thanks for sharing!

  2. 100% agree. Thanks for taking the time to write this out.
