It was a nice week. Kara had her first class at the dance studio. I think I mentioned this, but she is going to be going two days a week. On Mondays, she will do level 2 ballet and acrobatics. And on Wednesdays, she will do just a level 1 ballet class. The purpose is to get her caught up in ballet. Her class this week was the level 1 ballet. She said she really enjoyed it. She is pleasantly surprised that she likes ballet. She is nervous about the level 2 classes, so Monday will be a big test.
Tuesday, we took a family bike ride to look at the Christmas lights in the neighborhood. It was cold! The average high this time of year in central Florida in 75, but Tuesday it didn't go above 60. So, when the sun went down, it was legitimately cold. Thomas said he will enjoy the day or two of cold we get a year. We had a great time on our bike ride, there are some awesome houses in our neighborhood! When we came home, we did a Christmas ice cream test to determine our favorite Christmas flavor (at least based on the ones we had). We had two types of peppermint, Blue Bell Christmas Cookie, and Hot Cocoa. Three people chose the cookie, two for peppermint and one for hot cocoa. It was fun!
Publix peppermint won best in the peppermint category. But, Christmas Cookie was the overall winner. |
Luke and Anna had their sports practices on Thursday. I am seeing improvement in both teams. Anna's coach has incredible patience. Those middle schoolers would drive me crazy! Anna is good and listens, but some of them are just so disrespectful. I think Luke's K/1 soccer team are overall better listeners. Luke's game was at 930 on Saturday. Luke scored his first goal and played pretty well. Unfortunately, they lost 2-1. But, Luke had a great time. He really loves soccer. Even after the practice, he told Thomas--"it doesn't feel like practice because it is so much fun!" He still wants to try baseball in the Spring. I hope he likes it just as much.
Anna's game on Saturday was at a YMCA by a big park and near a large outdoor mall. We decided we would all go. We couldn't all watch the game, the gyms are small and it is already hard to social distance. So, Kara and I went to the game and the boys went to the park. Anna's team did better, but still got slaughtered. I appreciate that they all seem to be good sports. No one gets upset that they lose by such a large margin every game. And, I am seeing improvement. Anna hustled up and down the court, but did not attempt any shots, or even dribble. She was ready if someone passed her the ball, but immediately got rid of it. She did get a rebound. And, she put herself more in the thick of things than at the other game I watched. So, again, happy to see progress.
After her game, we went over to the mall area. We got Jeremiah's, then went to Barnes and Nobles. The kids all enjoyed looking around. I think we will go back in January or February and give everyone a blank check to pick out one book. But, there was no way we were doing that in December! I still need gift ideas, at least for two of the kids. So far, the only thing Jack has asked for is books. So for him, I need different ideas. From there, we went to Target. We needed bread and milk and I always like walking around Target. Well, almost always. Note to self--do not EVER visit a Target on a Saturday afternoon in December. Ever. And, I forgot the bread! We seriously went in for 2 things and I forgot the bread. But, I did get some peppermint junior mints, so I guess it was worth it?
Finally, on Sunday afternoon/evening we went to Busch Gardens for their Christmas lights. Because we are platinum passholders, our perk for not canceling our membership was $50 in park dollars. Each. We don't need the money at Sea World, since we already have the dining plan and all-season Quick Queue. So, we decided to live the high life at Busch Gardens. We bought Quick Queues for the day, enjoyed a kind of pricey dinner, and bought hot chocolate and warm cookies. It was awesome (and we still have some money left)! Kara tried 2 new big roller coasters--Cheetah Hunt and Montu. She loved them! Luke tried two new things as well, a mouse coaster and a really old, slowish coaster that goes upside down. His first loop! He loved it. He rode twice, and would have ridden more if we let him. He was going to try Cheetah Hunt, but got scared waiting in line. And, that is probably a good thing, it is much more intense than other rides he's been on. He debated for a while whether to try again, and we took the matter out of his hands but saying he has to wait. I think he was relieved because he didn't complain. We watched the ice skating show, rode our favorite rides multiple times and had a great night. And, of course, the lights were amazing.
The 4 kids are on there somewhere. Thomas and I sat it out. |
This tunnel was amazing. The lights were synchronized with music. Luke couldn't stand still. |
This is going to be a big week. Kara has her first level two dance lessons. We have to make a decision on whether the big kids go back to school. And, biggest of all--we have Anna's appointment on Tuesday to get the treatment plan for her jaw issues.
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