All the kids are back to in-person learning. I forgot how busy (and messy) it is to have all the kids in school. I feel like there are papers and backpacks and lunchboxes everywhere! I am sure we will get better organized as we get into the routine.
Luke is now in 2nd grade. He is in an "accelerated" class. On the first day, Thomas walked him in and was allowed to stay in the classroom for a few minutes. He said Luke was really nervous and quiet. It was not like the first day of Kindergarten where he bounded in and couldn't wait to get started! I wonder if his personality is turning more introverted? Unfortunately, none of his boy friends are in the class. However, he does have Ella. And, I am sure he will make more friends. He really likes his teacher and she has a fun cash system where they earn money and buy rewards. They also have to pay bills, like desk rental. He took his first reading test and scored in the 99.9th percentile.
Hard to believe our baby is a 2nd grader! |
I thought these next two were super cute. But, notice anything wrong??? |
Luke held Thomas' hand while they walked on his first day |
Kara is in 7th grade. She got the two electives she really wanted--band and theater. She likes her teachers and I think she is happy to be back to in-person learning.
Jack also got the electives he wanted--band and Robotics. He sat at a table of strangers at lunch and said he just eats and reads, so it doesn't matter. I think Jack can be happy anywhere; as I have said many times, he is the most resistant to change, but the quickest to adjust.
Anna also got the electives she asked for--theater and technology. However, she didn't realize that the technology class is a high-school credit class that can lead to IT certification (if she passes a national exam). They have three levels of technology, and we assumed she'd be in a more introductory class; when she took theater in 7th grade, she was in Theater 1 with 6th graders, so it was logical to think the same was true with technology. But, she is in the 8th grade class and we expect it is going to be intense. I don't understand all the high school credit classes as middle-schoolers (including Kara's science class) and it bugs me. We talked with her guidance counselor who said they will move her out if she struggles. So, she is going to give it a try.

So, we have one week in the books. It seemed to go well for everyone. Florida COVID numbers are still skyrocketing, so we are having the kids wear masks. Florida law says masks can't be mandated, but all of the kids in Luke's class are wearing one. The older kids said on the first day of school, it was about 98% wearing them, but more kids were opting out each day. I am still working hard on not worrying about the things I can't control and trying not to be annoyed at other people for their choices, even if those choices have the potential to impact my family.
Along similar lines, I backed into a pole recently with our nice, not even a year old van. I was picking up one of Kara's friends, who lives in a gated community. The gates here are kind of ridiculous. You pull up to an automated box, insert your license and then either get granted entry (if you are on the list) or give them the name of who you are visiting and then they call and get you entry. I was on the list, so I was granted immediate entry. But, a car behind me went around me and through the gate, which quickly closed. I was super annoyed and angrily backed up, hitting a pole. I don't know why I can't control my temper in moments like that. Yes, it was frustrating and I was in a hurry and the car should not have gone around me the way it did. But, my level of annoyance, and subsequent angry driving was disproportionate. I did not set a good example for Kara that day. Ugh, I wish I could just be the person I want to be!
And, to end, a few more fun back-to-school photos:
Classes of 2026, 2027 and 2032. Those years don't seem as far off as they once did. |
These two are (sometimes) best buddies |
Walking to the bus stop |
Masked. |
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