Tuesday, May 28, 2024

End of Another School Year!

The kids had their last day of school on Friday. It was pretty anticlimactic for the older kids. They don't really do much the last week or two. Once testing is over, it doesn't seem to matter much if they go. The school actively encouraged the kids to miss the last Wednesday, as it was graduation day and with so many teachers attending that, they knew they would not have enough subs. Kara spent the day at Universal with one of her friends and had a great time. Jack stayed home and Anna went to school because her best friend had to go and asked Anna not to leave her alone. They all finished the year strong. Jack and Kara had straight As for the whole year. Anna also did well and finished the year with an unweighted 3.6 GPA. 

Luke had a good year in 4th grade. They finished the year by reading a book, Hoot, and doing an associated project. They had a list to choose from and he and Beya chose the skit options. They had to write a short skit, make owl puppets and perform for the class. They also had a pancake party and other fun activities for the last week. And, according to Luke, he sang a song in the lunchroom for everyone on the last day.  The Principal was in the lunchroom playing songs on her phone and Luke asked if he could sing something. She agreed and Luke sang a silly song (All Star with alternate lyrics he and Kara made up). He said everyone thought it was funny.

On Thursday, Anna had an orthodontist appointment. They did x-rays and made a ton of adjustments. They said if all goes well, she will be done in a couple more appointments. Fingers crossed, as she is more than ready to be done. And, Luke had an appointment on Wednesday. He has a palate expander now. He, Anna and Jack all have small mouths. Kara's teeth were visually the worst before starting braces, but her problems were the easiest (and quickest) to fix. Weird. 

Everyone went to school for the last day. That night, Luke, Anna, Thomas and I went to Universal for a few hours. Kara went to a friend's pool party. Jack went to dinner with a friend and then back to his house to play video games with some other kids.

Saturday, everyone but Kara went to Luke's baseball tournament (Kara had plans with friends). Luke played well, but his team had a tough draw and lost both games. Sunday, just Thomas went. They won one game and then lost the next. It was the end of their season and Luke got the MVP award for defensive player of the year. I was sorry to miss it, but it is hard for me to be away an entire weekend when the other kids also have things they want to do and need rides (or just someone around for).

Everyone is happy the school year is over and looking forward to summer. Luke has a few weeks of camp, including an overnight one in late July. Jack signed up for a couple of virtual classes. The girls both have "summer bucket lists". Hopefully it is a good summer.


  1. Yeah for the end of the school year! Have a fabulous summer break!

  2. This needs to STOP. RIGHT NOW! My babies cannot be this old! How do they all get more gorgeous by the day?!?

    You tell them that I am proud of them! That I am so glad that they did so well. (and my jaw dropped when you said Luke finished 4th grade...)

  3. Btw, that was me...

