I can't believe it's been one month! This morning, Thomas went upstairs to the kids' rooms and Luke asked him if we were going somewhere. Thomas responded that yes, we were going to rope drop Small World at Disney World. The older kids knew he was kidding, but Luke wasn't so sure. When Thomas told him he was just joking, Luke was happy--he didn't want to go anywhere. My kids have become fully acclimated to staying home all day every day. Ugh! Well, we do leave the house for the occasional car ride or to go for walks or bike rides, but we haven't been anywhere in a month. No theme park, no playground, no visit with family, no restaurant, no Target or Walmart. How can they be okay with this??? I will admit that staying home hasn't been nearly as constricting as I expected, but I still can't wait to get back into the world! Hopefully, I will be able to drag someone with me when the time comes.
So, this week. For me, work was better. One of the more senior attorneys has volunteered to help me through my difficult actions. It has been so helpful to have someone to directly contact for guidance. Work is still busy, but not overwhelming now. Our organization has actually had an increase in productivity since telework began. I think it would be awesome if we could keep teleworking, even when this is all over with. Maybe not everyday, but once or twice a week would be amazing!
For the kids, Luke was a little better, but it is still a struggle to have him get everything done. Kara seems to be doing really well. She has some projects to do and I think her teachers are trying to do the same type of lessons they would have if they were in school. They have not posted any grades, so I actually have no idea if she is getting everything done, but I think she is. Unfortunately, Anna is struggling, but improving, at least in some classes. Jack is doing really well, except for Spanish--his Achilles heel this year.
Thomas and I have been a little more productive. We actually did some deep cleaning. And, we took on a big project--the garage! It will be nice if at the end of this, we can look around and see some visual evidence of all this time spent at home.
I didn't get a picture of the garage beforehand, but it was a disaster. We never really unpacked it. |
So much better, we can even fit a car! |
One sad story about cleaning the garage. Luke has been asking to switch to a booster seat and we told him when he was six we would make the break. When we were cleaning the garage, we had to do a dump run. I decided to throw his car seat in, it is fairly close to its expiration and not really fit to give away. It was a last minute decision and I didn't think much about it. Then, as I was leaving the dump, I realized that I didn't say goodbye. Luke has sat in that thing for at least 5 years (I think he had a different one as a newborn, but this has been it for a long time). And, I didn't get a last picture, I didn't pay it the proper respect it earned. I went through all my pictures from the last year and couldn't find a single one. Maybe it is stupid, but I feel pretty sad about it.
We haven't done any family workouts this week, but we have made sure to get in some physical activity every day. Anna and I have gone for walks most nights, which I've really enjoyed. All of us have been taking advantage of the pool. Most days it has been really hot. March was the hottest March since 1907! I feel like it has been one broken heat record after the other since we got here. But, at least we can use the pool.

Yesterday, the Governor announced that schools would be closed through the end of the year. Kara is a little sad to miss all the end-of-year 5th grade events. She is the only one who would rather be in school. Luke likes school, but he likes wearing his pajamas all day even more. I think Jack and Anna are pretty indifferent, but Jack likes having lots more time to do electronics. We may have a hard time breaking him of the habit when we get back into a normal routine. Regardless, I think closing schools is the right call. I don't know how or when this is going to end, but at least I know that for the next 6 weeks or so, we will be doing the same thing.
And, this week's random pictures. I finally realized why I have so many pictures of Luke, but not the other kids. It's because he constantly asks me to take pictures and videos of him. The other kids don't ask and I usually don't think of it.
Luke also enjoys practicing his roller skates. |
Sheet pan dinners have become a regular staple in our house. |
Luke played Jenga by himself one night. He was so impressed with himself, he took a picture of the tower after each move. |
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